Saturday, 6 August 2011

Lammas Sunday

The First Sunday of August and the opportunity to celebrate the agriculturl feast of Lammas - not to be confused with the Wiccan or New Age variety. The morning services will include a blessing of bread, and be followed by a bread and cheese lunch here at the Parsonage. Three different types of bread and about seven varities of cheese, plus chutney. Mmmmmmmnn.


  1. I'd never heard of this before. I checked out the history on it, and it sounds like a nice festival.

  2. I try and keep Lammas to provide a sequence of four agricultural festivals throughout the year. The theory is that it will resonate with this farming area. However, maybe I'm mistaken as there were only two people who turned up for the Lammas bread and cheese lunch. That's okay - most of it will freeze .... but I shall think twice about offering it again next year. But that's how it is here - a ministry placing opportunities in front of the parishes and letting them make their own minds up.

  3. Oh, that's too bad. One of the things we're always looking for is church "events" that would bring people in every month. We've created a church fair in July, but August is last minute vacations (like my own) and back-to-school. During Lent, I did a retreat entitled, "Give Us This Day..." where we actually baked bread as one of the spiritual disciplines. It went over well. This sounded similar. Well, the Parable of the Sower a few weeks ago – our job is just to scatter the seed; thank goodness we're not responsible for everything.

  4. Actually I'm quite looking forward to lunches of toasted cheese on sun-dried tomato bread .....

  5. Bread looks lovely. One of yours? At least the two who showed were clearly not the village locusts, which is what experience has taught me would probably have happened over here. Maybe sell it as the Lammastide Ploughman's Lunch next year?

  6. Marketing and the right name might well be an issue ....
    (And the bread is a web image ... can't claim it as mine ... unfortunately)
