Monday, 17 October 2011

Long silence means ....

... that it's been a busy couple of weeks, with piles of paper on my desk that have needed to be dealt with, but much of which has been waiting for responses from other people before it can be taken any further.

And now I have a fortnight off ... and on this, the first day of my holiday, I have phoned the Archdeacon to arrange the Commissioning of a Benefice Elder; dealt with the Diocese over a forthcoming conference I am attending; chased up English Heritage - without whose permission I cannot submit the Faculty application to replace a trashed window in a church vestry; spoken with a church treasurer about a yew tree, a dead branch on a lime tree, changing signatories on a bank account and another account; and re-filed the list of church papers etc. that are kept in the Suffolk Records Office.

But at least my desk now looks less cluttered.

We lift them up to the Lord.


  1. Is that a Suffolk druid demanding human sacrifice?

    Have a good break (if you get the time that is)!

  2. Going anywhere nice? Leeds is good right now.

  3. London?!

    Just you remember what happened to the vicar of Stiffkey!

  4. All this sounds very familiar...

  5. It's another culture trip for an exhibition at Tate Britain. I'll leave the fallen women to the tender ministrations of others.

  6. To be completely honest, my friend, I wasn't worrying about fallen women :-)

  7. Stay clear of St Paul's Cathedral. It's attracting Irish travellers. Oh. Wait a sec. I'm confusing that with Dale farm. Same thing though. None of them shop in Mark's and Spencers. Oh. Hang on. Many of the Occupy London do. And Waitrose. Oh my!
