Friday, 4 July 2014

Resurrection - partly

I have been taken to task for not having "blogged" for several months, so I suppose that I had better post something on here just to prove that I am still alive - or I was when I got up this morning - not too sure about now ......

I suppose that I haven't posted simply because I've had nothing to say. I write each month in our Benefice magazine, and I update my Facebook status almost every day - Twitter a little less frequently, and LinkedIn hardly ever. There are so many ways of interacting with social media that it would take 24 hours in every day just to keep up with all of them. And anyway, who is really interested in all the minutiae of daily living? If there are people who would relish knowing what I had for breakfast, lunch and tea; where I went this morning or who I met; what programmes I've been viewing ... then they really need to get out more.

The simple fact is that having 11 active parishes under my care demands a lot of time spent in preparation and administration. Still to be done is the service for WWI commemoration on 3rd August, the Sunday service sheets for 10th and 17th August (when I am off-duty), the Banns book updates, a couple of weddings, a funeral and the general nitty-gritty of rural church life. The August magazine compilation is looming, and I still haven't sorted out my Tax Return for 2013-14 or started my accounts for this month.

I am also supposed to be off-duty Mon-Fri this week and next week, but I have the Thursday morning Eucharist to take, and today I have dealt with some funeral fees and met with a retired clergyman who has sold me a print of one of our parish churches with the suggestion that I sell it on to some parish resident for double the amount. I don't see that as likely somehow. I've had a friend visit for 2 nights, and now another one is asking to come a deposit themselves on me for a week and I need to come up with some convenient dates when he (self-supporting) can come.

I offer these reflections not as an excuse for my absence from Blogger, but as reasons. And when I have something else to rant about I'll be back. You have been warned!

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