Wednesday 3 February 2010

Norman Rockwell's birthday anniversary

In celebration of this great illustrator I delved into an upstairs cupboard for some old copies of the Saturday Evening Post, and found this front cover ...

This Week's Cover:
Norman Rockwell's painting of the obstreperous dog holding up the onrush of civilization depicts an alley near Seventh Street and Rampart Boulevard in Los Angeles. The Bekins Storage organization had a van which would cozily fit the alley, but it was a white one and the artist wanted red. So the owners had it painted red, which shows how convenient it is to be Norman Rockwell. The models, denizens of the Los Angeles County Art Institute, include a violin teacher, upper right, waiting to give the hapless boy, lower left, an inoculation of music. Actually the boy could doubtless give the teacher a lesson, for the latter is Rockwell, who took two violin lessons when he was young and was advised to turn to painting or something.

1 comment:

  1.      Thank you for sharing this! I would love to see more of these covers. Quite a treasure you have there in your attic.
