Monday, 9 May 2011

Who are you all?

Out if idle curiosity I have just clicked on the Stats button for this Blog, and then on Viewers. The following graphic shows how many times these pages have been accessed since I began posting 0n 22nd August 2006. Not a vast number in the grand scheme of Blogging, but the spread across the northern hemisphere is interesting. Who are you in Moldova? (And where is it?) Who is it in Iran who is logging on? Over 1,000 views from Russia? And there was me thinking that I could count my readers on the fingers of one hand!


  1. I should reply with a "Yee Haw!" or a "Howdy!" (I watched too many cowboy films as a child).

  2. It brings a whole new meaning to the caveat: You are being watched.

  3. O dear - nothing about your SA fan? probably not regular enough to cause a blip on your radar!

  4. Oooo - SA? It didn't show up on the map, so I wasn't to know.

  5. Nice to know you're big in Iran, though.
