Friday, 16 May 2008

An early morning post

'Tis now quarter past midnight, and the proverbial oil is burning. Have had a week of travelling up and down to Norwich for various reasons, and sometimes twice in a day, and it's a round trip of 40 miles. All of which explains why it's been quiet on the Saintly blogosphere lately.

I'm off to bed.


  1. Not the best of carbon footprints this week, then? Ah well, you are back in the cure of souls safely!

  2. Nor for next week either, methinks.
    I'm collecting a lad who doesn't drive back from a new job he's got in the city, who doesn't finish his shift until 11.00 p.m. which is well after the last bus has departed for the Shires. He's looking for a flat/house share in Norwich, but at present hasn't got anywhere. So the local pastor is acting as taxi.

  3. That is why we should all be "vicars" and not "rectors."

  4. I shall need to look up the difference ... I've never known.

  5. May I assist in steering you away from the traditional and legal definitions of the terms within the CHurch of England, and head towards the etymology....

    vicar also vicarious
    1637, from L. vicarius "substitute, deputy" (adj. and n.), from vicis "turn, change, exchange, substitution,"

    1387, from L. rector "ruler, governor, guide," from rect-, pp. stem of regere "to rule, guide" (see regal). Used originally of Roman governors and God.

    I have always preferred the former title, because most of the time we do for, or on behalf of others. In prayer (the Daily Offices), in visiting (they hardly ever come to us) and at the eucharistic altar.

    The title Rector is too authoritarian for me. Sadly all Anglican parish priests in the USA who are incumbent in their parish do not have the option of the more subservient title. Yet locally I am known as "The VIcar!"

  6. SR, you're a good man.

    As for me, I like pastor better than rector. Rector means governor, doesn't it? I'm guessing that vicar means in place of Christ, in a sense, the same as pastor without the shepard analogy.

    Have I disclosed that I'm guilty of being a tad anti-clerical? That's what comes of growing up in the RCC many years ago, when the priests were viewed as super-human beings. Then followed rebellion against all that, which has now quieted to a mild case of the anti-clerical disease. Nothing personal, you know. Mea culpa.

    Well, I can't imagine why I suddenly got all confessional.

  7. Hang on Grandmere- let me get my purple stole before we go any further ....

  8. Yes, please, SR, the purple stole and a quick, "Ego te absolvo..." will do very nicely.

  9. Nothing wrong with a bit of healthy anti-clericalism, Grandmere, so long as you are kind to your local clergy!

    I have elsewhere confided to SR that although I am one, I would rather not be one - a rector. Vicar is my personal preference...

  10. Now I'm confused. When I posted my guesses on the meanings of rector, etc., your definitions were not there yet, RR, or I would not have needed to guess. Yet, your comment is dated before mine. However that came about, I didn't do badly with my guesses, did I?

    You will be pleased to know that I am unfailingly kind to my local clergy.

  11. Be not confused, Grandmere - SR is a master editor when it comes to these columns! (And other columns, let the reader understand!)

    Of course you are kind to your local clergy. As you are to distant clergy. To me and others. Patient, forbearing and forgiving us.!
