Saturday, 28 March 2009

The Return of the Native

Perhaps it shows how much I have become used to the quieter and sedate life of East Anglia that I found Leeds to be a really busy city - crowded streets such as are never seen in Norwich, and the train station buzzing with people going in all directions - trans-pennine, Dundee, Plymouth.

It was a really good day, and a grand lunchtime meeting organised by Doorman Priest to meet up with the travelling legend of the deep south, Grandmere Mimi, who looks exactly like her Blog profile picture - so much so that I recognised her from the rear as she and some others were enquiring how to get to the first floor of Leeds Art Gallery without using the stairs. Other blogosphere contributors were also present who I won't name in case they wish to remain out of the picture. I'll leave it for them to reveal their presence if they so wish. Nor will I reveal who it was that had two main courses at our lunch ....

So now I'm back in the slumbering Shires, and putting my clocks forward an hour.

It's the first time I've tried computer dating.


  1. I've emailed you some photos, if you didn't get them, mail me!

    It was LOVELY to meet you!!
    We will haunt you.... eh, I mean, look you up....hopefully this summer.

  2. SR, you recognized me from the rear? Oh dear! MadPriest did not recognize me from the picture. He says it's not a good likeness.

    I'm with Erika. It was a delight to meet you. I'm still laughing at the material in your gift packet. Thank you for making the trip.

    We passed a good time, as the Cajuns say. Many thanks to DP for making the arrangements. I'm sure his life and that of his missus have calmed down quite a bit since I've left the territory.
