Saturday, 2 August 2008

Monthly Coffee Morning

The first Saturday of the month again, and time for another benefice Coffee morning. A full Bring & Buy table today, and with the Raffle it brought in £107 for the Benefice funds. Not bad for a couple of hours of minimal preparation and light work - standing around, pouring coffee and talking.

Couldn't do it without all the contributions or attendances though.


  1. A princely sum of money raised! Isn't it wonderful how simple community fellowship can swell the benefice coffers?

  2. And the beauty of that tablecloth, (which I bought in France - plastic with fabric backing, so easily wiped down) is that no matter how much I sell, the table still looks full! Mind you, I do have one elderly lady whose eyesight is failing who finds it very confusing!

  3. meringues! I loves me some meringues!

    Here from the lovely MadPriest's story of dog in china!

  4. Hi, Susan ... fortunately I have a lady in one of my parishes who makes absolutely superb meringues, and who regularly provides a couple of bags for the stall. Crisp, but with a slightly goo-ey centre ....

    Oh ... I'm dribbling!
